Serviced Accommodation

We can offer support and advice for:-

  • Small Hotels
  • B&B
  • Guest Houses

Running your own accommodation business can be all consuming and concerns like attracting custom & managing a reliable workforce can completely overshadow your passion for hospitality.  Lack of time can also distract you from seeing the bigger picture which is often the solution to solving the smaller problems. This is where a fresh pair of eyes and an extra pair of hands can help, tackling some of these challenges on your behalf and present solutions to take forward. We can also assist you by implementing these solutions and carry out training to put your hotel, B&B or guest house on the path to a more positive future.

We can also provide cost effective solutions for:-

  • Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
  • Energy Performance Certificates (EPC)
  • Compliance floor plans
  • Premises Licence applications

We can assist with some of the challenges you may be facing including:-

  • Increase property occupancy
  • Gather & improve customer feedback
  • Property marketing
  • On-line bookings
  • Compliance management– Compliance Reporting for COSHH, Legionella, Risk Assessment, Alcohol Awareness
  • Customer Service training
  • Preventative maintenance planning
  • Refurbishment planning
  • Supplier sourcing
  • Accessibility – make your property user friendly
  • Going Green & Lean – Eco-friendly on a budget
  • Creating a sustainable business – increase custom, control costs, generate new income streams
  • Feasibility Studies – research, reporting & feedback
  • Mystery Shopper Visit –Product and service audit with operational solutions
  • Management Support – administration solutions, stock control, document design & preparation

We understand that all hospitality and tourism businesses are all different, with diverse objectives and priorities, which means that in response we will be flexible and tailor our consultancy approach to meet the specific needs of each client, responding quickly to any situation, ensuring that no time is lost particularly for any business critical activities. Our aim is to make your business more sustainable, profitable, time and cost efficient, as part of a stress-free and organic process.

Contact us to discuss, without obligation, how NorthStar Consultancy can support your business.

Contact NorthStar